As Tribe lays dying, I've got lots of information packed to the gills. I can't figure how I want them posted on Facebook, I'm not even going to do MySpace. I abhor MySpace.
So not to confuse or scare my 'other world' friends and family, I'm posting the bellydance related stuff here. Every day, Facebook is looking like a promotional social utility... If I ever figure how to make Facebook work like Tribe, then this blogsite will be deleted. There's nothing like Tribe. It's a shame it's doing what it's doing now.
Keep this marked - I will post links, interests, and VIDEOS of interest!
Raq ON!!!!
It's funny how three years ago I couldn't figure out Facebook....now I practically intergrate it with my daily life....who knew? LOL
me too - but it just isn't Tribe......
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