Aziza Sa'id's Black Belt in Belly Dance!
I have entered something that would be a no-brainer for me. I have joined in the special program our instructor set up for those who want to step up. A special program that progresses from a "white belt" up to the coveted ""black belt...
Each level has assignments given out to be fulfilled an once it is completed satisfactorily, you move on the next level.
This is a wonderful program for those who want to grow in the art of Bellydance.
I thought this would be an easy lateral supplement to my bellydancing experience...
That is until I completed the first assignment. It started out as nine pages, but by the time I was done, it ended up to be 11 pages in all. I never realized there was so much in the Middle Eastern Arts...I never knew there was so much to learn, I never knew how much I really didn't know.
Which makes me wonder with all those who "teach" bellydance, how much of "bellydance" do they really know??
In a field where there is no 'real' vocabulary (other than tribal), countless ways and variations of shimmies, hip drops, and arm work...it's no wonder why many women are still confused and 'don't get it' when they go from instructor to instructor.
The problem is, when someone is not fully understanding of the whole dynamics of the art of Bellydance, it will inadvertently steer them wrong. I have seen instructors just teach what they know, how they learned it, or how they like to teach it....essentially creating zombie clones and leaving little room for upward growth.
What I love about my beloved teacher Aziza Sa'id is she passes EVERYTHING to us - every pearl of wisdom one can imagine. Granted, I have only been with a small handful of bellydance teachers, but I have been around the dance block several times enough to know a good teacher from a bad teacher, and of course one that is classified as awesome. But who else passes information so you can learn and grow, push you to your limits so you can perform, compete, teach, and get a job in bellydance???
Being a niche in the subculture of ethnic dancing, bellydancing isn't like competitive ballroom dancing...it's one that is misunderstood, feared. That being said, with all the questions people are afraid to ask, I feel confident that being in this program will answer what people are afraid to ask and be able to teach the art of bellydance properly with the knowledge and history behind it....
I'm excited when people learn, I'm excited when they're happy....there's a whole lot of excitement an joy going around! If you want to join the program, send me a message and I'll send you the program info!